When I was told that we were doing a documentary I immediately wanted to do a creepy pasta story as they are interesting in my opinion, and thought it would be a good documentary idea.
I had a couple idea's for which creepy pasta I wanted to do, I thought of doing Ticci Toby, Slender-man, and Sally Williams.
I ended up researching each of the characters, and decided on Ticci Toby since I feel that I can do something with his story and thought I could illustrate it in a good way that would work as a documentary.
The main reason I have decided not to do it on slender mainly because there is already a documentary on slender-man and i wouldn't want to rip off another persons work and copy the story from them. And also I didn't find much on the origins of slender-man to tell the story of him.
When looking into the story of Sally Williams, I found the story a bit too disturbing and I couldn't read the full story due to the dark story of the creepy-pasta sally.
The final idea I had for the documentary was to do Ticci Toby, when looking through his story I felt that I could work with his story as the premise of it was sad and interesting and I felt i could illustrate it in a good way.
When looking into Ticci Toby I found a channel on YouTube which did a speed paint of this character and told his story, I was hoping to do something similar however instead of one speed paint I wanted to do multiple of the main parts/ elements of the story and narrate a shortened in-depth story of the creepy pasta Ticci Toby.
The channel I found had multiple video's of the same format as the Ticci Toby story I read, the channel name goes by:
In his video he went in depth with the story and has sound effects of the events in the background which made it really effective, for my documentary I won't be doing that as i will be having a speed paint and having all of those effects would take too long to acquire but i will have dark music in the background.

For the speed paint i have found a way to record the screen while I am drawing which is what i need to do in order to speed it up in editing.
On my laptop as it has windows 10 it can record without downloading any app to do so, in order to record the screen all I need to press is the :
windows button-Alt-R
and it will record the screen for up to an hour the name of the software is the game-bar it is typically for gaming but can be used on a drawing program, and i have had a couple try's using it.

For the speed paint i have found a way to record the screen while I am drawing which is what i need to do in order to speed it up in editing.
On my laptop as it has windows 10 it can record without downloading any app to do so, in order to record the screen all I need to press is the :
windows button-Alt-R
and it will record the screen for up to an hour the name of the software is the game-bar it is typically for gaming but can be used on a drawing program, and i have had a couple try's using it.
working tile: documentary - Ticci Toby
genre: horror documentary, creepy
target audience: fans of creepy pasta's and people who would like to learn more about them, any other audiences that may watch this may just be curious on creepy pasta's
outline: (what happens at the beginning, middle, end - outline of story)
character breakdown: Ticci Toby - Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers, 17 at time of story, male, how he became a murderer/ slender-mans proxy, profession, from Denver,
disorder's - C.I.P.A (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis)
- Schizophrenia: Delusions, bizarre behaviour, disorganised speech.
- Tourette Syndrome: Tics result in cracking of neck and joints.
- P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): After car accident.
audio elements: music - Halsey - control
speech - the story of Ticci Toby condensed in a way that it makes sense but isn't to long - narration
background music -
rational: i think it would be a interesting topic
research: youtube video's and the wiki page for ticci Toby
constraints and contingency: the things that may go wrong when making this, could be the drawing programme as things could go wrong when recording the drawing for my speed paint. Also with the microphone for the narration may go funny and not record the required footage.
goal of making the documentary:
The goal of my documentary is to inform the audience about
the character Ticci Toby.
My film will be telling you about his character and how he
became a creepy pasta.
I ultimately want the audience to feel empathy for Ticci
Toby because he didn’t want or intend for this to happen.
In the story of Ticci Toby’s story the main conflict is between
Toby and his sanity as he doesn’t want to kill his father even though he was
awful, but the voices took control and he did it anyway.
The Topic of my documentary is the creepy pasta Ticci Toby,
in the documentary I will be illustrating and narrating his story.
Ticci Toby is a creepy pasta whose story originated from a
person known as Kastoway and in the documentary I will be telling this character’s
story of how he became a creepy pasta.
I intend of illustrate his story as that would make it
easier for the audience to understand the story by it being shown visually.
The main characters of my documentary would be the
characters in the story which would be Toby Erin Rogers, his sister Lyra
Rogers, his mother and his father.
The only other character in the story itself is Slender man
and the children around him chanting at Toby to kill his father.
At the beginning I do have an interview with my friend Milli
who has a good amount of knowledge on creepy pasta’s.
On camera interviews in my documentary I plan on
interviewing my friends Milli and Jasmine as they know quite a bit about creepy
I plan on asking them for a definition of what a creepy
pasta is and to name a couple, those are the main questions I plan on asking
but I will be asking a few others as the interview is happening.
The conflict in this film is between Toby and his sanity as
after the accident he began to lose his sanity and that was due to Slender man
messing with his mind by:
Making Toby see his dead sister
Made him hallucinate children’s voices telling him to kill
his father
Made his ears ring which messed with his mind
But that isn’t the only contribution to Toby losing his
mind, it was also due to his father not being by his sister’s side before she
died which made Toby stay in his room, isolated.
Audiences Biases:
Biases – In my documentary I don’t think there
is a real bias to it as the main goal is to inform the audience about the story,
so I don’t believe that there isn’t any bias in my opinion.
The information in the documentary will be a
heavily condensed version of the story of Ticci Toby but will include the main
story so there aren’t any additional facts or opinions needed in the
There aren’t many different truths to this, but I
am sure there are people who believe Toby is evil and the accident brought it
out, or that he was manipulated into doing it and continues to be manipulated so
I could speak more on that. I personally believe that he was manipulated, and I
could explain why I think that.
Introduction - tell the audience what a creepy pasta is.
Cover - about the character Ticci Toby (tell the story).
Summarize – give my opinion about whether I think he is a
good or bad character and explain why I think that.
Form and style:
In the documentary I plan of it mainly being a speed paint
to show the story in a more interesting way but at the beginning I plan on having
a couple interview’s asking what a creepy pasta is.
I will be using a camera and a microphone and that will be
the only real life shot unless I decide to have a shot of a forest, but I am
not too sure yet.
At the end of the documentary plan on finishing his story
and giving my opinions about his character and whether I think he is good or
I think that would be
a good conclusion to the documentary.
Unique qualifications:
I have decided to make this documentary because I have an
interest on creepy pasta’s as no one knows some of the characters origins or if
they have some truth to them which is fascinating to find out in my opinion.
I have
an interest in horror characters not the horror itself though, so I do enjoy
finding out about these sorts of things.
The problems that may occur that could affect the footage or
sound of the documentary is if the computer I will be using for the speed paint
may crash or cut the speed painting and some parts may be missing.
Or the same thing with the sound could happen which could
mean that some parts may have to be re-shot.
Other than that I don’t think there are any other factors
that may affect my documentary.
As for the speed paint part of the documentary, there are a few you-tubers that have done similar idea's to mine and I have taken inspiration from their video's and will be doing my video documentary in a similar way to their's.
The you-tuber that i have watched video's of who illustrate their stories goes by the the name lavendertowne on YouTube and she has done a couple illustrations in a way I want my documentary to be like.
On her channel she has done a couple creepy-pasta's which she illustrated and I found the concept cool and thought it could work for a documentary.
For my documentary, I plan on having an interview at the beginning asking people their own personal definition of what a creepy pasta is and if they know what one is and then I plan on heading into telling the story of Ticci Toby with illustrations and narration of his story.
In the background I would like some creepy music in the background that is somewhat relevant to Ticci Toby's story.
While listening to songs to get an idea of what song I would like to use in the documentary and I think that control by Halsey piano version is a good choice because slender-man is controlling Toby so using this would be effective to the story.
I wanted the song to be mainly piano based because then it would the impression of eeriness to make it feel darker and not as happy as this is a creepy story that I would be telling
audio visual
Audio from the
Interview of my chum Milli.
A page talking about
what a creepy pasta is.
Images or video’s relevant
to topic.
Talk/ narrate about
his disorders and how that got him bullied by his fellow students and got the
nickname Ticci Toby.
Ticci toby being
bullied at school – speed paint.
Talking about his
father and that a drink’s a lot of adulty drinks and wasn’t there for his
daughter’s final moments.
Showing that Toby's father is a meanie beanie abusive man – speed paint.
State that Toby is
losing it and is seeing things and begins having ringing in his ears.
Draw slender by a
street light out of Toby’s window - -speed paint.
Telling the audience
that he was mentally ill, and his mother was anxious about it (he began to
chew the flesh off his fingers)
Show Toby with a
therapist – speed paint.
Say about his sister
hallucination and say about slender and a bunch of children around him.
Show him being
horrified by seeing his dead sister all messed up – speed paint.
Talk about the
voices telling him to do so and he hears a ringing again and he is consumed by
the voices.
Show him about to
kill his father – speed paint.
Talk about his mother’s
reaction to this and he runs away to the garage and finds his father’s
hatchets and gasoline, matches.
Show him covered in
ketchup – speed paint.
This is his way to
escape so he lit the forest on fire but loses consciousness.
Toby is now in a
forest surrounded by FIRE – speed paint.
He then becomes
slenders proxy as slender he saved Toby’s life
Slender standing
over him – speed paint.
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